My photographic groove: A seasonal opportunist

Recently I got my first macro lens. In spite of my busy schedule at office and a great deal of social activities I am experimenting with the lens. Hope you like my trials.

Not being an expert in photography I enjoy taking various kinds of images but I must admit nature photography gets most of my attention.

Learning never exhausts the mind and I never stop exploring.

Lens artists photo challenge

Six Word Saturday

Enjoy your Weekend

P.S. – I am not able to visit blogs recently but I am hopeful to get some free time after tomorrow. Hope you will be patient with me.

Be thankful for what I have

Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.~ Gustave Flaubert.

Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehowAnita Desai

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.~Henry David Thoreau

You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for youHideaki Sorachi

After travelling near and far and visiting places through very many blogs, I have realized that we all have our sufferings and blessings. They are part and parcel of ones life and in a way they define us. I am not seeking for perfection. I am living and loving my imperfect life.

Lens Artists Photo Challenge – Travel has taught me

Six Word Saturday ( just the title 😊)