How Narrow is…


Life runs in a narrow path to balancing act, convincing tact, and satisfying fact~
Santosh Kalwar


The irony of the human condition is that it is the narrow gate to life. Few find it because they are too fearful to look ~ RJ Blizzard


An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field ~ Niels Bohr

For lens-artistis-photo-challenge

24 thoughts on “How Narrow is…

  1. Great quotes and fabulous photos, Rupali! 🙂
    I’m fascinated by architecture, doors, windows, gates, the artistry in buildings, etc.!
    Love your photos…and how you captured the narrow!
    Yes, often the narrow way is the right/best way, but most people like to follow the crowd and go by the wider way.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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