Weekend walk 94


When there is silence,
Give your voice.
When there is darkness,
Shine your light.
When there is desperation,
Offer hope.~
Tim Fargo


Be proud of yourself for the effort, especially the parts that no one else saw.~ Andrena Sawyer


We all have the muscle of creativity in our minds, but for it to consistently give great results it needs daily exercise.~ Yusuf A. Leingeweekend94_6

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”~ John Joseph Powell (The Secret of Staying in Love)


What is happening in your world right now is your message, your sign, your omen…
Everything you want to “know” is found in the way you love, the way you live, and how you respond to life.~ Debbie Lynn (360 degrees full circle)

For Jo’s Monday Walk

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