Weekend 104: Just in time


Yesterday we went to see a day cabin on a local mountain. Such cabins are popular hiking destinations in the local areas. People can go into the cabin to rest, warm up and eat packed lunches, a day cabin does not have accomodation facilities. The hike was quite steep but not very long. We climbed upto 300 m above sea level while covering only 1.2 km distance.

The pass was through a farm which is currently occupied by a couple of calves ( though not new borns). I was bit scared as it was my first encounter with such a big animal. It went fine.


The first sign of the cabin



A family with kids was already there but there was plenty of space to keep social distancing  😀


Inside the cabin


Just a view


Dramatic clouds

We stayed there for sometime then continued towards another hike but after half an hour we gave up the idea and returned.  The next destination was at 600 moh and we didn’t have enough water and no snacks. My husband insisted to go back.


Sometimes weather decides to go against the forecast and it shows no mercy what so ever. It rained heavily for little more than half an hour.



Later in the evening around 9 pm


I believe the best way to begin reconnecting humanity’s heart, mind, and soul to nature is for us to share our individual stories.~J. Drew Lanham

Becca’s Sunday trees

Jo’s Monday Walk



72 thoughts on “Weekend 104: Just in time

  1. Beautiful location and photos as usual in your treks 👏 if weather was unkind, it a also provided the pic of that extremely beautiful pink rose. Maybe the trek would have become more difficult after the rain though …

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a lot Jo.
      According to my observations the kids here in Norway are the most active ones I have ever seen. Right from the kindergarden days they start going on mountain trips. Tehy enjoy life to the fullest.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great idea of those day cabins, and frankly in a storm you could camp on those platforms or benches! Very dramatic photos Rupali but my fav is the view 🙂

    Thanks for taking us hiking with you 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Alcácer do Sal | restlessjo

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