The Shapes of Emotions…

Everyone needs to analyse and understand what makes them tick, like taking a clock apart to discover how it works. Self-knowledge will help you to understand what you have to offer that’s special.~ Rod Judkins (The Art of Creative Thinking)

Thses images were taken during a visit to “The Fallero Museum – or Museo Faller de Valencia“.

In March every year the city of Valencia, Spain is taken over with Las Fallas. Parties begin and massive colourful “monuments” appear in the streets, only to be burnt to the ground a few days later in an emotional night of fireworks and flames.

Falles is a popular festivity that has been celebrating the feast of Saint Joseph in València since the mid-18th century. Thanks to citizens and falles artists, ephemeral monuments depicting satirical images are erected on the streets of València. These monuments are made of ninots, figures that are set alight to welcome the spring on 19th March, feast of Saint Joseph. On 30th November 2016, Falles was inscribed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

If you can’t visit Valencia for Las Fallas, then this museum full of the festival’s ninots (sculpture caricatures) is a must. Each year, hundreds of ninots are put on display at a special exhibition and visitors vote for their favourites, which then escape from the traditional burning on 19th March and are added to the museum’s collection.

This fascinating collection exhibits ninots from 1934 onward. The collection is a wonderful demonstration of aesthetic and artistic evolution over time. The museum also features posters and photography and informative videos, which tell the story of the Fallas Festival.



Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life ~ Confucius

I love my job and my hobby but they are not the same and  when time constraints hobby has to wait. I hope you don’t mind a late post.


Friday fun: Shapes

Monday walk

69 thoughts on “The Shapes of Emotions…

  1. what an absolutely bizarre but wondrous collection Rupali … sounds like the Hindi festivals where the prayers happen then a parade before burning their gods. So similar, such a shame to destroy works of art but guessing they can’t keep them all 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing this, never heard of it before

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The only reason to “mind” the late arrival of this post is that fewer challenge followers will see it Rupali. I absolutely LOVED these and they are such a perfect example of so many emotions. I’d never heard of the festival and it rather breaks my heart that so many would be burned but must admit it is a clever idea to save those that are the most popular. Terrific post !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These made me giggle! 😀 What great creations! The details, the colors, and the humor in them are amazing! It would be fun to see them up close and personal!
    What a wonderful tradition to look forward to!
    I like that some get to escape the burning! 🙂
    Keep loving your job and hobby! Keep doing your job! AND when you have time for your hobby we are here to enjoy it with you! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hi
    great choice for emotions and this exhibit must have been very engaging
    however – a few of these were about disturbing – felt subtle inappropriate sexual connotations (IMO) and the one with the two men in suits with those animals – ed that torture? yuck – some of these were very disturbing
    and my friend – which is another reason why it fit so well for the theme of emotions – very fitting

    and your wisdom nuggets at the end offered much to leave with – like the one about work:

    Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life ~ Confucius

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : lanes and salt marshes | restlessjo

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