Weekend walk: Simple pleasures

After a long, tough and busy week it’s Saturday. We planned a hike/walk, one of our favourite activities in the weekend.  We started just after breakfast as the weather forecast in the afternoon was cold and rain. We enjoyed our time in woods. The wild flowers, butterflies, singing birds and the lovely smell from wild surroundings was a treat to both body and soul.


May your weekend be filled with positive thoughts, kind people and happy moments.

Nurturing Thursday: Learning

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow ~ Anthony J. D’Angelo
My biology general knowledge is very limited. WordPress or to be precise my fellow bloggers have helped me learning about many new things. Few days ago I shared a photo in macro photography.  I had no information about this little beauty.  Mick Canning of My writings shared the name of the insect. It was “Burnett Moth”, til then I have never heard about it. Hurray I learned something.

This is a five-spot burnet moth.  Here are some images of moths.




A closer look!


Do you name it?


Is this a moth or a butterfly?

Some butterflies from archive (are they really butterflies 😀 )

How to distinguish between a moth and a butterfly:

  • Read:
  1. https://www.kidsbutterfly.org/faq/general/3
  2. https://www.livescience.com/34472-difference-between-moth-butterfly.html

This post is inspired by Becca’s Nurturing Thursday theme and Mick’s share your knowledge idea.

Focussing right!

Another wonderful post by Raj@Xdrive inspired me to dig into my photo archives and share my thoughts/images with my fellow bloggers.  Lesson no. 9 on Learn Photogrpahy  is all about focus .   Raj says “…our focus point is of greater importance as for as the final output is concerned.”  OMG, this is what I learned in early days of photograpy. I was quite happy with this little finding 2 years ago.  Presenting two images from the past:

Next is to show how things change when we crop a picture. The first picture looks OK but after cropping I ralized that it was not properly focussed. The image details are  f/5.6, 1/125sek. and ISO 100

Below are some shots to illustrate “focus” with photo details.


1/125 sec., f/5.6 55mm, ISO 220


1/160 sec. f/6.3, 55mm, ISO 100


1/40 sec. f/4.2, 31mm, ISO 400


1/15 sec., f/5.6, 55mm, ISO 400

Hope you all enjoy this post. Now it’s time to listen to Raj!

Learning about closeup/macro photography

Here are my submissions for Raj’s lesson on Closeup/Macro.Yes, focusing is important. Pictures taken with Nikon D3200.

When it is about focus distance, I am so much comfortable with mobile than camera. “…Mobile phone cameras have very close focus distances such s 5 cms which is excellent for closeup shots.” Excellent point.

Next photo was taken with iPhone 5 and when I showed this to my colleague. Her reaction was, “you must have scared the bee”. I said why? And she literally put that mobile on my nose and said “so how do you feel now”?


As Raj suggested, I took multiple shots. I did check a few of them but due the fact that I was running out of time (it was during my training time and bees were always on move).


Light or bright light is “a” problem. A very bright sunny day made it almost impossible to capture this butterfly. Also the background and the butterfly were like on matching day parade. This picture was tken using Samsung GT-19305.


Capturing an object inside a glass is challenging. The movements of fish, the light system inside the tank and the reflections on the glass wall were main obstacles. Taken with D3200.

The rain drops were captured with Samsung and the flower core was captured using iphone5.   One thing I realized that mobiles are very handy to use but the clarity with Nikon is much better. I thought about buying extension tube but would love to buy a macro lens next year. We tried few shops in Japan but could not get original nikon lens. Seriously, I am not joking 😀

Now it’s time to listen to Raj’s comments.