

Coronavirus outbreak – Practicing social solidarity

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
~Blaise Pascal

For Kate’s Friday Fun – Distant


It’s about people, not politics…


norway_shuttingNorway shuts down to control Corona



How do I practice social distancing?
The CDC defines social distancing as it applies to COVID-19 as “remaining out of congregrate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.”

This means, says Rivers, “no hugs, no handshakes.”

It’s particularly important—and perhaps obvious—to maintain a that same 6-foot distance from anyone who is demonstrating signs of illness, including coughing, sneezing, or fever.

Along with physical distance, proper hand-washing is important for protecting not only yourself, but others around you—because the virus can be spread even without symptoms.

“Don’t wait for evidence that that there’s circulation [of COVID-19] in your community,” says Rivers. “Go ahead and step up that hand-washing right now, because it really does help to reduce transmission.”

Ref: https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/13/what-is-social-distancing/?fbclid=IwAR3Sw6VKoEigNF8jiFKZU6ZFC_PKtbiwi6VnsjWqvlSGk9R_3NhncsAgKmk


How to avoid the spread of coronavirus when travelling

Security checks are thought to be the highest risk areas in airports. A study published by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare found that half of all plastic luggage trays at security checks were harbouring at least one respiratory disease such as the common cold or influenza.
Scientists have been planning for a pandemic for decades and transport hubs are widely regarded as infection hotspots, with virus transmission rates up to six times higher for those using public transport systems.

Ref: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-how-avoid-spread-tips-transport/?fbclid=IwAR3fEydd1BcVeUhbLdlMrzcQ9czx4vXqAtUzOexwnWmjVMny2D4jT3acXNk

We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now.

We need to stop what drives mass epidemics rather than just respond to individual diseases.

“We live in dense and highly connected populations. Pandemics are inevitable. The ways we fund health science (slowly, meagerly) and finance health systems (inadequately, inequitably) are simply not up to the task of preventing them.”

Ref: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/opinion/coronavirus-pandemics.html?fbclid=IwAR3qp9RhZp82ratipHHDgVxqgSfVdeyb9OEX9IjI-3knK1loSLgP-gYLwWw

Advice from Norwegian institute of public health
