Nurturing Thursday 74: Never give up

Always there has an adventure just around the corner and the World is still full of corners ~ Roy Chapman Andrews

My last weekend began with an odd piece of information where I got involved indirectly. I was shocked and stressed. I donot remember how was the weather outside but in my mind it was all gloomy. Later in the evening we had some guests and so there was a slight change in my mood. But it was so hard to overcome that strange feeling.

On Sunday we decided to hike up a new hill and get some fresh air. The trail was covered with nice white snow. I was happy being there. The three hours walk helped me sorting out things.

Then yesterday during my walk in the city I saw the first few crocus flowers of the season. Just in matter of few days I experienced both the winter and glimpses of spring.  Moreover I have solved the weekend matter upto a certain extent. Life is full of adventures 🙂

 This is my contribution to Becca’s “Nurthuring Thursday” theme.

Thank you for reading this. I hope all of us will have a great weekend.