Am I on the right track

These are my pick to show how (my) ideal winter day from dawn till dusk will look like. I am late in responding for Sofia’s theme for Lens artists photo challenge

Instead of being happy in our choices we keep doubting ourselves. If one lives like a flower, I think half of our self imposed health issues will be solved. A flower blooms for its own joy. Our urge to impress others is killing our originality. The social media attention grabbing all our me time and controlling us.


January reading log

Naguib Mahfouz was an Egyptian writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature. The quarter consists of 18 sketches which are translated by Roger Allen. The book also includes the speech Naguib Mahfouz gave when he was awarded the Nobel prize in literature. The Short stories or sketches were little difficult for me to understand but I thoroughly enjoyed the foreword by Alif Shafak.

Actually I read about the book by Alif shafak on Rumi’s life, “The forty rules of love: Anovel of Rumi” but then were introduced to Naguib Mahafouz. I like reading about how Rumi was transformed from a great scholar to one of the greatest poets of love.

And lastly I found Respected Sir a master piece though it’s a story of a man and his ambitions. I see it as a metaphor. There is nothing static in the universe and happiness is never permanent.

A great way to start 2024 😊

Capturing fun moments with mediocre routines

No two walks are the same

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each momentHenry David Thoreau

Spring is around the corner

Life is full of new experiences with a tag “conditions applied”. Some sees it some don’t. Here is my try to find some moments which may not excite the locals but to me yes and probably to some of you?

Lens artists photo challenge

Jos Monday walk

Six word Saturday

Nature decides my “road” in photography

On my way to job at 6:50 am

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress. ~ Charles Dickens

At 3:30 pm

If you so choose, each day can be filled with even more joy than the one before. If you so choose, even the most seemingly random events can work in your favor. ~Ralph Marston

My regular readers would have noticed my love to capture present moments. At times nature bestow all her love, and guides me to the places I am supposed to be. Today was such a day.

Hope you like the images too.

Lens artists photo challenge

Wonderful Wednesday: Hard to be Wordless on such a day

Shadows and Reflections in Monochrome

Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted – it is an intimate date with yourself.~ Dr Paul TP Wong

Don’t look for things to be easier, look for you to be better ~Jim Rohn

I love capturing reflections and always looking for interesting settings. On the other hand monochrome photography is my weak side. I am hardly satisfied with a result. I feel like something is lacking in my images. Anyways, I decided to come up with a post before it’s too late.

Lens artists photo challenge