Sad but amazingly creative

You can mimic a result, but not the creativity!

Turning pebbles into pictures of the war in Syria

These are depictions of the war in Syria – but they have been delicately composed with stones. They are the work of 52-year-old Syria-based artist and sculptor Nizar Ali Badr, who publishes pictures of his creations on Facebook.

Each piece tells a story, and the stone scenes seem to come alive.

Nizar has been passionate about stone art for a long time. Every day for the past 35 years, he has been going to the beach in Latakia to collect beautiful stones and pebbles of all shapes and sizes.

When the Syrian conflict erupted in 2011, Nizar saw tragedies unfolding – homes destroyed, families displaced, children killed. He began to re-create the things he saw in stone.

“I didn’t have a camera to record any of my work,” he said, in a phone interview from Latakia, Syria. “As soon as I finished, I looked at it for some time and then destroyed it to make a new one.”

Click the link for the whole news article

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