Sunday Trees : Nostalgic


Crystal Palace, madrid

“Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant~ Paulo Coelho (Eleven Minutes)


Crystal Palace, Madrid

I am nostalgic to many places and events but for now I decided to combine Sunday trees theme and Lens-artistis-photo-challenge theme.

These images are taken at the El Retiro park in Madrid during our recent visit. I would love to visit Madrid again and spend a day in this beautiful park.

El Retiro Park : Covering over 125 hectares and comprising more than 15,000 trees, El Retiro Park is a green oasis in the heart of the city. In it you’ll find all kinds of interesting monuments and gardens, including the Jardín de Vivaces, the Jardines de Cecilio Rodríguez (Andalusian-inspired classicistic gardens), the Jardines del Arquitecto Herrero Palacios, the Rosaleda rose garden and the Parterre Francés.

A note: When we came out of the metro station El Retiro, I wanted to take street shot, only to realize that I forgot to insert battery in the camera. Which was still in the charger at the hotel near Opera.  😦 😦 😦  One possibility was to explore the park and take pictures using our mobile phones but looking at my face, my husband suggested that we get back to hotel and bring the battery. Due to some maintenance work on the tracks between Sol and Opera it took almost an hour and half to get back to the same place.

44 thoughts on “Sunday Trees : Nostalgic

  1. Rupali, you take such good photos that even if they were made by phone, they would be perfect.
    I have been to this park once, and I remember that charm until today. Thanks for the reminder.

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