Enjoy the process, stop chasing outcome

I found this week’s challenge by Egídio about Two Rectangles stimulating. Most of the time I am curious about my surroundings, thanks to WP and the long tradition of weekly challenges. They help me developing my photographic eye. I am not good in remembering rules of photography yet I try to find a good balance before clicking. Thanks to Egídio for nicely explaining this new concept of “two rectangular areas”.

I have selected a couple of images from my archives to express my understading of this theme.

It’s hard to deal with time frames with so much happening in and around life. After spending asubsequent amount of time on pc for work, I am trying to go minimal at home. I know it’s affecting my engagement here at WP but I believe in enjoying moments.


My reading log:

I started with “Of Human Bondage” by W.S. Maugham after I finished “Demon Copperhead” by Barabara Kingsolver but couldn’t finish it. Instead got back “Seeking Fortune Elsewhere” by Sindya Bhanoo as I couldn’t finish it last time. It’s an impressive debut book, a collection of 8 (not so) short stories of South Indian immigrants. I found them (mostly) contemporary, realistic and thought provoking.

Last week we visited a beautiful waterfall called Steindalsfossen in Kvam, Hardanger. It is one of the best known and photographed waterfalls of the country, where one can walk under and behind the waterfall. Here is the video.

10 thoughts on “Enjoy the process, stop chasing outcome

  1. Blogging can indeed be very time-consuming, but for me it’s rather like a photo album that I go back to again and again. I don’t think I’d have been able to do it while working though, so I understand completely. Thanks for joining us – your opening image is really special!


  2. Well, leave it to WP to lose my comment. I’m sure I’d written a comment about your post. I loved these photos, especially that opening image. What an amazing perspective for the two rectangles. And the flowers are beautiful, too. You used negative space so well, especially with the color contrast. Great photos and wonderful post!


  3. May I recommend a couple of my favorite books? Well, I will anyway😂.
    “The Screwtape Letters” is a whimsical look at human nature and how we deal with temptations. A truly fun read in a day.
    “The Abolition of Man” is a remarkable commentary on British based education systems, particularly the chapter, Men Without Chests.
    Both by British apologist C.S. Lewis; both relatively short reads.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.


  4. Your photos are simply beautiful and I think if my time at work was spend on a screen I’d like to minimise elsewhere too. I’m glad you still find the time to join us, I always enjoy your posts.


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