What am I (we) running from

We wish to enjoy a couple of real summer days, soak ourselves in early morning sunlight. Looking at our weather reports this may not happen any soon. We do get sunshine which is quite unpredictable and is inadequate.

We have a certain plan for coming days, at least from our side I can say. The situation these days adds some ambiguity to it but so is life. If we are lucky enough, we shall land in a sunny city. We don’t need to worry about the garden as we have some friends in the weather forecast department who have given us a green signal.

I hope to get good internet connection and shall try to update my Instagram page which I am not good at. May be I need some motivation 😀

Be happy and enjoy summer! See you next week.

The circle goes round and round

24 hours in my week

Early morning starts with a dense fog.

I longed for some golden moments.


Pilot informed about turbulence.

The insecure feeling hiked remarkably in a small aircraft.

Sunshine was not on mind anymore.

I realized, how the situation changes our thoughts.

Landing relieved my mind.

Sunshine brings life to my autumn frame.

Before I feel I have it enough.

The fog covers the surroundings.

Story of my autumn days.

Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow. Tony Schwartz

If I cease searching, then, woe is me, I am lost. That is how I look at it – keep going, keep going come what may.~  Vincent van Gogh


Lens Artists Photo Challenge

Six Word Saturday

Festival of leaves


I was away last week, busy at seminar.

Happy Diwali to those who celebrate 🪔🙏