Floral Friday: Double Daffodils


Recently I have posted various daffodils but taken in past years. Tomorrow I am planning to visit the arboretum to see how the flowers are coming up. We are enjoying sun for last two days.

I got very busy today and after working for 6 straight hours I decided to go on hiking 😀 . I know for some it might sounds crazy but for us it’s quite natural. When the weather is good we love to be outside. When in Rome ++.

I wanted to enjoy sun but not interested in stairs, so hiked (one way) around 7.5 km and up to elevation 568 m (8.5% inclination). Up on the mountains it was fantastic. There were people but not crowded, not like weekends. I found a nice bench and read a few pages from “Cider with Rosie”, relaxed for about 20 min then came back. Now I am tired.

It’s time for yoga stretches and a good sleep. Will check the comments and blogs tomorrow.

Have a fantastic weekend.


30 thoughts on “Floral Friday: Double Daffodils

  1. OH, I’m so glad it was a wonderful-weather day! And a hike was taken! Sounds like you had some lovely time with the outdoors, Rupali! 🙂
    Those daffodils just shout, “Smile, everyone!” 🙂
    Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That hike sounds lovely! I got some exercise after work too, but it wasn’t as exciting as a mountain hike. Just a walk with my husband, who was trying to catch up to our son on another Fitbit weekly challenge, but couldn’t quite get as many steps 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I too find that sometimes when I’m tired the best thing to do is get some exercise, especially outdoors. The fatigue usually goes away for a while but comes back in spades later LOL. Glad you enjoyed your hike!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Susi for sharing your choices.
      There are so many people who inspire me to be healthy.
      I checked your blog and I know soon I will count you in.


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