Blissful Travel – Part 2 – Barcelona

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain

In last couple of months Europe started to open partially within Schenghen area and the covid situation in Barcelona was under control in recent times. Barcelona was on my list for a while but some how I missed the opportunity more than once. We decided to make it happen before it is too late.

We booked one of the H 10 hotels in the centre which was quite convenient. We really like the place and their services. (… more in another post). We visited typical touristic places but in a slow pace. We chose 3 day local travel card over hop on hop off buses. It gave us more freedom to explore.

The current day technology help us in all possible ways but then along side it also scared us, the side effect of being very concious. I thought of not taking camera with me on the very first day. I took out mobile once we were inside a restaurant 😁. We enjoyed a good number of sea food dishes during our stay. We learned to be patient and stand in a queue outside restaurants, which are favourite among the locals. These people don’t book it online 😀

We appreciate many things but foremost the work of famous Catalan architects like Antoni Gaudi and Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

Our first stop:

The Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site – an art nouveau complex & former hospital with mosaics, stained glass & gardens. The most important work by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, the architect of Modernisme. Declared World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1997 for its singularity and artistic beauty, the Art Nouveau Site comprises an architectural complex of 12 pavilions set in green space and interconnected by a kilometre of underground galleries.

Due to restoration projects sadly most of the complex was closed for visitors.

Do you feel disappinted when museums or display units or service providers fail to inform you about their limitations before you pay?

This is an excellent place to visit when in Barcelona. We were impressed by the idea of starting a hospital 6 centuries ago and maintaining such small details where history and innovation go hand in hand. There are so many things I would like to share about this place but I feel the max. length of the post is attended. Also shall have a new post to present our findings from the visits to Antoni Gaudi’s magestic work.

We felt safe while walking on the streets and taking any kind of public transportations and have not came across any unplesant incidence. There were not so many tourists walking around and hence the usual pickpocket teams and other scam experts were on holidays/hibernating. My guess 😀

Lens artists photo challenge

Monday Walk

And in case if you have missed the earlier part – Blissful travel – Part 1– Oslo

53 thoughts on “Blissful Travel – Part 2 – Barcelona

  1. Love the mark twain quote ! All the traveling, experiences, etc that you didn’t get to do, you’ll be enraged that you didn’t get to do them. It make me think about it, especially your time in Barcelona made me want to travel more.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Barcelona is a blast! I usually ask at the ticket office if photos are possible, when the answer is “the guide will be happy to tell you”, it means that photos are not possible. Why hide it? To avoid that the visitor doesn’t pay and leaves? But then isn’t that lying and stealing?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Levadas da Ilha do Rosario | Still Restlessjo

  4. Pingback: Blissful Travel – Part 2 – Barcelona – MobsterTiger

  5. Pingback: Blissful Travel – Part 2 – Barcelona – Jackanori, (MPD)

  6. Pingback: Blissful Travel – Part 2 – Barcelona – base in believe

  7. Pingback: The astounding interior of Gaudi’s Building – mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  8. When a large part of a Museum in Italy was closed off I demanded some money back and after a bit of argy-bargy they refunded the whole of the ticket price. I would happily have paid full whack for the reduced tour if only the’d told me in advance but I felt it was cheating. I had allocated this time for it and I could have scheduled my day more usefully if I’d known in advance that all rooms weren’t available. That’s my gripe. However, you managed to see a lot on your Barcelona trip. You did the right thing by spreading it over 3 days and you’ve given me an impetus to get over there asap and see that hospital before they board it all up again!

    Liked by 2 people

    • We chose a safe window before setting our travel plans but still there were uncertainities. We were fortunate enough that our plan worked well. Thanks for your visit. Happy travelling to you. Stay safe.


  9. Pingback: Gaudi’s Work: Nature, Religion and Geometry – mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

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