What’s (was) bugging me?

The truth is, it’s little early to have captured the bugs for the season. What bothered me the most was my inability (with a long list of reasons) to have hiked a lovely place earlier this year.

Last weekend me being in the city encouraged me to go out and even the sun and the weather department were quite cooperative. Saturday turned into Sunday. Saturday was spent reading “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” by Matthew Desmond. After breakfast on Sunday I hiked around 1300 uneven natural steps (Sherpa-trappene or Sherpa stairs ) to reach the top of the mountain named Ulriken. Ulriken is the highest of the Seven Mountains that surround the city of Bergen, Norway. It has a height of 643 metres above sea level. Four Sherpas from Nepal were hired to build stairs to Ulriken top.

Lens artists photo challenge – What’s bugging me

Lens artists photo challenge – Structures

Jos Monday Walk

Another links (in Norwegian) –

  1. https://www.nrk.no/vestland/sherpaer-fra-nepal-byggjer-trapp-til-ulriken-1.12957382
  2. Signe (93) made the trip up Ulriken

A video taken by me: The view

Happy weekend friends!

39 thoughts on “What’s (was) bugging me?

    • Thanks Corna. As I mentioned on Jo’s comment, there are some spots quite steep that I never look back. The view might raise anxiety. One needs to be cautious as they are quite uneven else they are amazing.

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