Weekend 117: Back to hiking

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth ~ Henry David Thoreau

We managed to hike even more this weekend and yes it was a fantastic feeling. Spring signs are clearly visible though we still do not see crocuses and snowdrops. I hope you too had a good weekend

Jo’s Monday walk


52 thoughts on “Weekend 117: Back to hiking

  1. Glorious views, Rupali! Has the snow almost gone now? 🙂 🙂 I hope I didn’t miss out a walk of yours today? I was in great haste to publish because Sue is very critically ill, though you would never believe it to ‘talk’ to her.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m always amazed that nature and beauty survive those months of hibernation under tons of snow! Thanks for sharing your tranquil hike 🙂

    We are in weather lockdown as floods rock our state .. heavy rainfall and howling winds. I am safe and dry but nearly two thousand homes have been evacuated and livestock are not coping well …

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Well Rupali, you clearly have a stronger constitution than I do. I wouldn’t be out hiking in weather cold enough to sustain snow!! Of course the views are that much prettier when covered in snow so it’s a trade off. Glad you’re able to get out and enjoy it.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Our weekend was phenomenal. Sunshine, some flowers, and, I attended a two day workshop for artists. Was tired at the end of each day, but it was well worth it. Painted the bridge on the River Mississippi and a farm scene with bales of hay, with sun shining on the bales . Loved it.

    I am so happy that you have resumed hiking. I used to do that a lot in my younger days. My neighbor and i would leave the house at 6 in the morning, and walk four miles every single morning returning home at 7 as the church bells would ring, just in time to get ready for a full day at the office. Now I shake my head and marvel at you and your passion for hiking. Good for you. Keep the fire burning going.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I know how much you love painting. I am sure you enjoyed it. I shall send you a reply by Friday.

      We were doing such early morning walks when we were in India. Here we look into our calenders and the weather forecast 😀

      Thanks Zakiahji.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So true. Today was a gloomy day on the cooler side. So I did yoga at home and then went to the studio and did the elliptical. Looking at the weather APP is crucial during winter.
        Yesterday I had to pick up my little grandson from his basketball practice, take him to MacDonalds for his chicken nuggets, and drive him to his home…. and the sky opened up. MOSOON in Quincy Illinois! OMG! did not expect that at all. Tornado like wind and rain. But I loved it. Thought I would share my evening with you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You put me in awe. The way you keep yourself busy and at the same time do what you love is amazing. Spending time with grandkids and be a part of their lives must be so much fun.
        Stay blessed Zakiahji.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rupali, the joy of grandchildren, their antics, the funny things they say and the love they shower, is indescribable. My four princes, live in the four chambers of my heart. My oldest prince Noah, when he comes home from the university for a few days, he stops here first, spends an hour and only then he goes to his mom and dad, who live a few doors down. All the four boys love us and we adore them and I would do anything for them anytime. They are really the reason for my life…. they and their parents.
        Thank you for your sweet response to my comment.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. The snow seems to be melting in your place. Great that you will l be able to get back to your favourite long walks again, and we will be seeing more of that beautiful land in spring.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Azulejos rule! | restlessjo

  7. Pingback: Weekend 118: Mountains are calling – mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  8. Wow, I love your views (coming her from Restless Jo) but it would be challenging to hike here in the cold:) My excuse: thin blood in California and now Texas. Jesh

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nice meeting you Jesh . Thanks for visiting my blog.

      The landscape in California and Norway are quite different. Looking forward to enjoying your paintings in future.


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