Scents can be Connected to Memories

In happiness or sadness,
to everything or nothing,
we are connected,
each moment we’re alive.

Last week was quite excited when I saw the theme for LAPC “Connection” suggested by Donna. There is so much to ponder. I plan and replan but couldn’t come up with a formal post.

Last week was in Oslo but sadly didn’t get much free time to enjoy and capture connection. I took almost no photos other than work related. I was connected elsewhere.

I spent a lot of time in botanical gardens in town and when travelling. They provide opportunities for reconnections with nature and earth.

Travellers enjoying a painting, based on a historical event in Mysore palace. Belonging to a place is not always possible but finding connection is easy.

Current day technology can make life more beautiful, it helps us to share our experience of a place. We see pictures and listen to various sounds but still couldn’t share scents of places. I walk/hike in nature almost everyday. Every season, every wood has it’s own scent. There is a link between scents and memories.


My reading log:

After Cakes and Ale by W.S. Maugham my plan was to start with Of Human Bondage by the same author instead, I got message from our local library. After a wait of almost a year or so I got hold of “Demon Copperhead” by Barabara Kingsolver. A book which is konwn as present day version of Charles Dickens “David Copperfield”. It was a co-recipient of the 2023 Pulitzer prize for fiction.

The wonder is that you could start life with nothing, end with nothing, and lose so much in between…”
– Barbara Kingsolver, Demon Copperhead

It was so hard to keep this book aside apart from when I was in Oslo. This book opens a new world to me.

27 thoughts on “Scents can be Connected to Memories

  1. Rupali, first of all, those opening verses are wonderful. This is a beautiful post all the way through. The travelers looking at a painting is beautiful, especially that perspective. However, as you might expect, I am partial to nature. Your images are stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There is definitely that link between scents and memories. Childhood, favorite places, restaurants, so many. I love that botanical gardens are often in cities, giving us a chance to immerse ourselves into nature, and breathe it all in for a few minutes. The flowers are beautiful. And honestly Rupali, your blog and posts speak to connections you love everyday. A wonderful post.

    Liked by 1 person

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