Blissful Travel – Getting back to Normal – Part1

If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.~ Rachel Wolchin

The posts you saw last week were all scheduled. Thanks to WP. I was away. First travelled to Oslo and then to Barcelona. Attending conference post covid was quite surreal.

Oslo is ready for a pre-Christmas period full of magic. On Monday, after the sessions we enjoyed a stroll at the Christmas market in Oslo senter.

All is well that ends well.

Lens artists photo challenge

Monday walk


Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul. – Jaime Lyn Beatty


Next destination: Part 2 – Barcelona

It’s All about the Light

These images were taken at the Grand-Place or the central square of the City of Brussels during our last trip in 2019. The Grand-Place is considered as one of the most beautiful places of the world.

Brussels is also known as the “Chocolate Capital of the World”.

A sweet tooth –

A meal is insufficient,

without a piece of chocolate/sweet.

Small it may be.


Sweet tooth is an idiom that has been in use since the 1300s.


कुछ मीठा हो जाए

Second entry for this week’s Len artists photo challenge

Travel Challenge – Day 8

I was nominated by our fellow blogger Derrick Knight to post one favourite travel picture a day for ten days without explanation, then to nominate someone else to participate. That’s 10 days, 10 travel pictures and 10 nominations. Instead of nominating one person I would like to invite everyone of you to participate.

Be kind and post at least one of your favourite travel photo. Please link to me so I know you have participated. If you are not interested, no problem.

Nowhere in the rules does it say you can’t guess where the photo was taken.

Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind.

A for Alley(s) in Florence!

The best way to get to know the place you are traveling in is to walk around… and the best way to walk around is with comfortable shoes! Grab your travel buddy and your running shoes and go explore ~ Laura Marano

I love walking because it clears your mind, enriches the soul, takes away stress, and opens up your eyes to a whole new world ~ Claudette Dudley

Every path, every street in the world is your walking meditation path ~Thích Nhat Hanh


You once told me
You wanted to find
Yourself in the world –
And I told you to
First apply within,
To discover the world
within you.

You once told me
You wanted to save
The world from all its wars –
And I told you to
First save yourself
From the world,
And all the wars
You put yourself

-Suzy Kassem

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence ~ Henry David Thoreau

Nurturing Thursday


Jo’s Monday walk