Weekend 58 – The mountains are(were) calling…

On Saturday, with everything in place we decided to go hiking on mount Ulriken (643moh.)  It was a good decision after all.



It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves ~Edmund Hillary


Nubbevannet (400 moh.)

May your heart like a lake, with a calm still surface, and great depth of kindness ~Lao Tzu


Fluffy troll weeds on Landåsfjellet

In every season we make interesting memories on mountains. Little surprises wait for us on every corner.


The geographical midpoint of Bergen lies on mountain 450 moh. The only way to reach this place is hiking 😀

We enjoyed our short breaks for relaxing and chit chatting. The view from every stop was awe-inspiring.


What a fantastic spot for a cottage

Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley. ~Theodore Roethke


From the top looking at the other side

Time to go back! There are hundreds of unpolished stone stairs to hike down. Sherpas from Nepal are building stone stairs by hand with no powertools.


The major portion of 800 m trail is finished. Sherpas are working on the last section near the top.  This section was very steep, dangerous and nothing to hold on. I really wanted to showcase this specific part but was asked to walk carefully instead of thinking about taking pictures which I promptly accepted. A tourist (lady) fell down and hurted herself badly just luckily air ambulase was not needed.


We were able to cover a distance of around 10.5 km due to supportive weather with clouds and little breeze.

Fun Fact: Norwegians do not normally greet people they don’t know if they don’t have to. This is true most everywhere, except in the mountains. So be prepared to say hello to everyone you meet when hiking. It might turn into a beautiful friendship, or even relationship.

Did you do anything special on the weekend?


68 thoughts on “Weekend 58 – The mountains are(were) calling…

  1. As Los Angeles is surrounded by mountains, when I was younger I enjoyed hiking them at the weekends. Now my legs won’t take me there but I can still enjoy them from afar. Thanks for the beautiful photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was browsing through your blog and stumbled at the “about” section and got to know that you are from Maharashtra. I liked the way you upheld everything you like, through the blog, … writing, photography, .. your mother tongue .. everything. Also the blog name and its meaning i.e. “My – Electronic – Text or thoughts” is quite intriguing. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ha..ha.. I like your fun fact. It also happen in Denmark. I am from New Zealand and moved to Denmark and people were so different and did not great or smiles to each other, it is a bit hard to get use to it as NZ is very friend and we just talk and smile to people on the street:) Btw, your weekend looks faboulous and the photos are stunning

    Liked by 1 person

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