The urge of getting fresh air

Here is my story. I am not sure if anyone is interested but I shall share it. Many have shown curiosity in knowing, how do I manage with the weather. Regular visitors might have noticed that the weather in my adopted country is quite different than my country of origin. Nothing happens in one day. It takes courage and time to change our old habits.

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. ~Marilyn Ferguson

In the beginning I struggled with episodes of cough and cold, and sinus headaches. Weather was testing me like anything. Staying inside house forever was not possible but like many others I restricted my activities and thought it was good for my heath. I was wrong. In due time I learned an important lesson from my Norwegian friends, weekends are for outdoor activities. One needs a plan to manage both the household chores and the outdoor fun. It sounds difficult but working on it was a kind of fun. Weather played an important role and we started to plan things accordingly.

In the begining it was only on weekends but later we started doing it a couple of times during a week. The key was to learn how to restrict our TV/social media time. And of course our Norwegain circle helped and supported me a lot. They even arranged outdoor activities and introduced us to new options. Once the joy and happiness was found, we never looked back. Taking images for the blog became one essential activity. As Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”.

Thank you all for being part of my journey.

धीरे-धीरे रे मना, धीरे सब कुछ होय, माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ॠतु आए फल होय ~ कबीर दास

A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. ~ Paul Dudley White (American physician and cardiologist)

Six word Saturday

Weekend 131

104 thoughts on “The urge of getting fresh air

  1. How many of us have been there and in a similar situation! Hours become days, and weeks and months and finally decades. Everything and all things become part of life. For everything there is a season and all seasons are beautiful. Love. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 5 people

  2. What a beautiful journey! Thank you for sharing it with us, SweetRupali! 🙂
    Yes, when we move to a new place we learn how to live there…and the locals are good to model and teach us how to do so. 🙂 We’ve lived in the desert, on ranch land, 7 miles from the Pacific Ocean, in the mountains/forest (at 6900 feet elevation), etc. So I can relate to adjusting. 🙂
    I’ve always loved a snowy walk…even at night. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  3. thanks for sharing Rupali, nice to know and what amazing support! That quote is priceless, I couldn’t agree more.

    We are blessed for your outdoor adventures or we couldn’t enjoy these incredible photos of a winter I’d prefer to experience virtually … and I bet you needed a whole new wardrobe to do that 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Again, WP reeeally needs a LOVE button!
    Your lesson well- learned is worth anyone’s time to read, especially a 79 year old who bald at a 2 mile (3.2 km) hike in nice weather! 🥴
    But today, at 28F (-2C) Anita and I went for 1.5 miles (2.4km).
    And many of us say THANX to you for letting us come along side you on your journey with such amazing photos!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Thanks for visiting my blog with encouraging words.

      In India we have misconceptions about the weather is responsible for making people sick but it’s the viruses that cause cold and cough, and spread it. Walking in fresh air is beneficial in many ways. Also once we start loosing weight it encourages us to loose even more.


  5. You will get there! And it sounds that you have already gotten a lot of Norwegian friends?
    Open your heart to the choice of your making, and you will find dry land! 🙂
    TTT (things take time) I noticed that you had visited Bergen? How did you like that city?
    Back in the 60thies, I lived there for nearly 3 years!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It does take courage and dedication (to oneself too) to adapt to such contrast of a geography and weather. I have always admired some of my friends who live in the cold weathers living what can seem very tedious to me and I love hearing the proud stories of their outdoor activities and mundane life. So much resilience and optimism are involved too. Thank you for sharing how you adapted, I am very thrilled and grateful that you choose to blog and share this gorgeous world of yours – your photography is beautiful.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Pingback: The urge of getting fresh air – MobsterTiger

  8. It’s a tricky thing to balance the house & adventure activities but I definitely find the time outside helps my mental health so much and that trickles into everything else. Beautiful pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

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