Nurturing Thursday: Don’t underestimate yourself

I would like to share two quotes for this week’s Nurturing Thursday.

  • Don’t underestimate yourself. You are capable of more than you can ever imagine ~Les Brown
  • Do not underestimate yourself by comparing yourself with others. It’s our differences that make us unique ~Unknown

This is so true even I have experienced it just “today”

It is raining continuously for more than 10 hours now and so there was no point in going on a hike today. The only option left was inside training. Due to heavy work load I could not manage to go early. One would expect many health enthusiats at the end of the day as our training facility is avaliable to every staff member in our building.


I stood for a while at the entrance of training hall thinking shall I or shall I not enter. I saw some very serious trainers. These are the people who set every equipment at the maximum cutoff or very end. Leg press 150kg, lat pull 150 kg and so on. I really hestitated to go in.

I knew if I did not go in right now I shall be lazy later. With a big sigh I stepped in. From outside I could see only the unkown strong ones but of course there were some known faces inside. I was able to finish what I decided. I am happy and satisfied at the end for not under estimating myself.

Have a nice weekend friends!

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