29 thoughts on “Ice without cream

  1. wow that sure is a sharp sword, great title and love your poem … we do all have that dream but in reality it is our own actions or words that will save us! Not that mythical knight who must be frozen in the fiords 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Zakiah ji.

      I am sorry but have missed your post lately. I read a couple of posts now. Hope you are doing better now. How is winter in your area? Do you get someone to help you with household chores?

      Take care, Pranam.


  2. That IS a bright shining sword! Nature’s beautiful sword!
    We’ve all dreamed of such tales…but it’s reassuring to know that we don’t have to wait for real or imagined heroes, we can fight for what is right ourselves. 🙂
    Gorgeous photo!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yes! Sir Lancelot in his shining armour and sword will be coming anyday to save this world from all the evils. It is also really interesting how u have assembled the title, the text and that picture together. Where did you get this idea? i am just curious!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading the post, commenting and reminding of this character of Sir Lancelot.

      I am not that smart in dealing with words. I just scribble. Usme dimag ka kya kam 😃


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